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his business idea is for refining of used lubricating oil. Lubricating oil is extracted from crude petroleum by a process of distillation. It falls under the category of high value products and the demand for it keeps on growing. The market size is big as it is used for any machine or instruments to increase their efficiency and longevity; to reduce the wear and tear caused by friction. It can be refined to make it very close to original lubricating oil. The business idea is premised on production of 3,500 liters of refined lubricating oil per month which translates into 42,000 liters per year

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This business idea is for the production and marketing of Rexene products, Rexene finds a wide application ranging from being used as seat covers to covering material. Rexene works include: bicycle carrier seats that are used in transportation of people. As Rexene products are cost effective, flexible and long lasting, there is a good demand for Rexene products that is untapped. The production capacity is estimated at 150 seats per day, total investments are estimated at US$ 99,490 per year and revenue estimates at US$ 300 per year. Production Process After creating patterns, Rexene is put alo